Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Some Impressions From Summer - Part I

Back home after nearly three weeks in Italy - lots of sun, wine, food, beaches, mountains, icecream and gallons and gallons of water.
We spent most of the time in Liguria, where I drank plenty of wines from some of the local grapes - Vermentino, Pigato and Rossese. The Pigato´s didn´t please me much - to much "fat" and flowery notes, they did remind me from time to time of Gewürztraminer - not a positive likeness in my book.
But the Vermentino and Rossese wines really went down well - there will be a special post soon on these two grapes.
For know some images from the last weeks - more to come!


  1. Wow, seems like a pleasant trip indeed! That's some strange bottles...

  2. how was the Avvoltore? Drinkable already?

    1. Hi, I bought the 06 because I loved the 04 Avvoltore when I had it last year. The 06 was good but warmer and a tad oaked, compared to the 04. The oak would surely subdue with age but again, it was a tad warm. I drank it with pleasure that night, but I wouldn´t buy it again. I would hunt down the 04 instead...:-)
